Faux Départ
Dans cette vidéo l’auteur rends hommage à sa mère, et à toutes les mères. ​Lui se souvient de tous les moments passés ensemble, des bras réconfortants de sa mère quand il était enfant, des histoires racontées avant de dormir et des repas partagés en famille. Il se rappelle comment sa mère était toujours là pour l’encourager, le soutenir dans ses projets et le consoler dans les moments difficiles. Aimer sa mère, c’est reconnaître tout ce qu’elle a sacrifié pour lui. C’est apprécier la patience infinie qu’elle a manifestée, même quand les choses n’étaient pas faciles. C’est comprendre la profondeur de son amour, qui est inconditionnel et sans limite​. “Je t’aime, Maman,” dit Alex​. Des mots simples qui ne suffisent pas à exprimer toute la profondeur de ses sentiments, mais ils sont un début, un rappel constant de l’amour et du respect qu’il ressent pour la femme qui lui a donné la vie.

In this video, the author pays tribute to his mother, and to all mothers. Faux-départ tells us the pain to even think loose our mothers. The woman who gave us birth and love all of their lives. The author remembers all the moments they spent together, the comforting arms of his mother when he was a child, the bedtime stories, and the meals shared with the family. He recalls how his mother was always there to encourage him, support him in his projects, and console him in difficult times. Loving his mother means recognizing everything she sacrificed for him. It means appreciating the infinite patience she showed, even when things were not easy. It means understanding the depth of her love, which is unconditional and limitless. “I love you, Mom,” says Alex. Simple words that are not enough to express the full depth of his feelings, but they are a beginning, a constant reminder of the love and respect he feels for the woman who gave him life.

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